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I am wounded inside…my soul is bleeding…I am hurt…deeply hurt…I am suffering…I am moaning...I am crying inside…I feel pain…extreme pain…then the pain turns into enjoyment…pain with pleasure…fetish pureness…I am groaning…till ecstasy…to the peak of excitement…and extreme fulfillment…then I was relieved…cause I do not feel anything anymore …this is my consummation
I was walking down Life street…with confident steps …then I began to walk faster…and faster…while looking at people walking beside me…then I began to run…and run…fast…and faster…with joy…and happiness…I am happy…I am very happy…very very happy…extremely happy…looking at people’s faces…I am smiling…I am laughing ...euphorically…I can see the flowers…I can see the shore…I can see the sand…I can see the sea…I am running towards it…and screaming with jubilancy…with my loudest voice…my exultant happiness
Unconcerned... negligent... inattentive... inconsiderate feeling... vacuous…empty... everything is not important…meaningless…I do not care anymore…this does not have any meaning for me... anymore…everything is meaningless…what am I doing in this damn condition…I do not care what they think…I do not care what they do…I do not care what I do…I do not want to do anything anymore…everything is useless…I am fed up…I will take a pause from life…a very long pause…cessation...I will swim in space…with no gravity…my heart beats are getting slower…I can feel it…I do not hear anything anymore…I can hear my echo…but I can not hear my voice …the light of all stars went off… I am alone…in the dark…I am not afraid…I can control my heart beats…I am making it beat slower…and slower…my brain cells are being choked…I am feeling the numbness of my inside…my inside is melting and coming like honey out of my mouth…and nose…and ears...I can feel it…I can feel my lower part of my body...it is vanishing…I am going to disappear…I am going away…out of existence…out of sight
0:00 I am inside my mother
1:34 I am ready for my birth
1:52 I was born to my noisy/ chaotic/ fully life
4:37 I was taken suddenly from my life to my death
4:51 I am flying up to the clouds
5:04 I am flying in the space
5:36 I am seeing the most beautiful thing in my life and death
5:56 I am seeing the wonderful miracles
6:14 I went to the other level
6:41 I am in the no dimension
7:04 I am living the infinity
I hear this when I want to go out of this world…this weekend I was in a very bad mood…and I needed this…so I heard it...G is Gong , H is Hoppipolla , 4 is #4 The Nothing Song...in the album with no title, and the tracks with no names, and the cover with empty white papers, to fill it with what I have written above...what I have lived.
Everytime I hear it...I hear sounds I have never heard before, melodies from another planet or something, runs deep inside my veins, I cry, I remember special moments in my life, I think, for a while it was hard for me to hear any other person singing or playing music because it was nothing compared to this, they are geniuses, this is philosophy, this is how music changes the world and humanity and life , this is uniqueness , I am wondering how they have composed this, this has influenced my life, this is beyond imagination , I am sure this is not for everyone, this is for the one who can sense and feel…as Sigur Ros.
-The music is too heavy for the sound system…speakers might break…especially with S…S is Saeglopur
-to be heard in a dark room
-with earphones
-and only 1 time
-by the way:untitled 8 is the masterpiece
special takk to Jonsi and A.Y
I Gaer,Vidrar Vel Til Loftarasa,Olsen Olsen,Von,Svefn-g-englar,Myrksur,Se Lest,Hun Jord,Refur,Glosoli,Von(Hvarf),Leit af lifi,Hljomalind,Svo Hljott,Hafsol(Hvarf),BaBaTiKiDiDO
I loved the video of Hoppipolla. I hope if I live to an old age I will be also hopping in puddles, not becaiuse of dementia but because of happiness.
Sometimes bad mood brings the best in us, doesn't it. This post is wonderfully touching, and painfully beautiful.
I hope you are out of your very bad mood and that you are well. I have somehow adopted you stranger ;)
غالباً ما يكون الاكتئاب و الاحباط مولد هائل للأفكار
على كلامها
hope,I really need someone to adopt me,I will be very happy if you consider me as one of your sons.I am trying to get out of my bad mood by involving myself in adventures with my new - from one side- love 'egyptian shakira'.
depression and sadness give me ideas for a better tomorrow,but
I have to get out as soon as possible to have a chance to live that 2morrow.
hey,I wish you good luck in the military,tell us what you have done there.
hope,they used "Hoppipolla" in the new trailer of the movie " Children of Men"...it is perfect.
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