لو عاوز تعرف مصريتك
منى الشاذلى
اول مره شوفتها كانت فى اول حلقه ليها و كانت بتقدم نفسها بكلام غريب و صدمه لينا و بصراحه أنا استغربت لطريقه كلامها الجديده و قولت مانشوف الست دى بتعمل ايه... معرفش ليه حسيت اللى انا شوفتها قبل كده... اكنها واحده من عيلتى... دخلت قلبى من أول طله ... و كفايه انها شبه سعاد حسنى و بتلبس كل يوم لبس شيك خالص... و بتتكلم بلغه كوكتيل من اللغه العربيه الفصحه و اللغه العاميه... المهم إن أنا كنت ادام حاله جديده من الاعلام ... و يوم بعد يوم استمتعت بحلقات برنامج عن احوال مصر بجد... اخبار مصر الحقيقيه مش المزيفه و لا المتفبركه ... برنامج مابيخفش... و جراءه مذيعه ماتعودتش عليها من قبل... حتى الضيوف بقوا بينفسوا عن اللى جواهم فى البرنامج و بيقولوا اللى هما عمرهم ما قالوه فى حياتهم...بس بصراحه احلى حاجه بحبها فيكى يا منى هوه و انتى بتبتسمى و عينيكى بتغمض... ضحكه احلى من ضحكه الموناليزا... انا خايف عليكى بس من الارهاق... و الحسد طبعا... بالنسبه لى انتى احسن مذيعه فى مصر
اما انت... فأه منك أه... شقى...شقى موت... بس لذيذ...انت عارف إن انت عندك كاريزمه غريبه عمرى ما شوفتها فى حد قبل كده... المهم اللى انت حاله خاصه جدا... عارف ليه... علشان انت صادق مع نفسك قبل ما تكون صادق مع المشاهدين.. بتقول اللى فى قلبك... و صريح... و بتتكلم بطريقه طبيعيه زى المصرييين ما بيتكلموا مع بعض... مش زى المذيعين بتوع اليومين دول اللى فاكرين اللى همه فى فيلم ملودرامى... و بتطلع الكلام من الضيوف زى الشعره من العجين... انت فنان بصحيح... و احلى بوكيه ورد شوفته و انت يا محمود قاعد بتتكلم مع منى ... ياااه... الاساتذه بيتكلموا مع بعض... برافو محمود و جو اون... علشان انت بالنسبه لى احسن مذيع فى مصر

محمود سعد
Let me tell you that you're another gullible egyptian to be added to the list. For Mona elshazly has become -out of fear for the show and consequently her salary- another bitch for the government. Let me also make clear that it was Ebrahim Eissa and his program "3ala alkahwa" that was fearless before the government pressures and forces Ahmed Bahgat to shut it down. Ebrahim Eissa is the worthy hero who should be wothy of our respect...Mona elshazly is a bitch and should be worthy of contempt. wanna proof of her prostitution? the continuity of her show indicates that she satisfies the government ego, doesn't it? otherwise they'd have thrown her show away as they did with 3ala alkahwa. Needless to remind ya that she cuts in on any1 who crosses the pre-defined line she and bahgat agreed upon with the government.
Am I really gullible?
Do you think so?
Allah slayer,you have to understand that what I write does not have to be my own opinion,in many posts ( if not all ) I write from an absolute different perspective, the " I " is not me ,the speaker does not have to be walladshab.
I cannot accept succh unbelievable rudness as regards one of the best TV hostesses in Egyptian history. This is rude, unacceptable and unfair. Ibrahim Issa doesnt even compare to her, she is clever, innovative and colourful, TV is about how you say what you want without crossing the lines of obscenity, profanity, tradition and more, being rude or impolite or getting kicked off the air is not proof of patriotism, it is a proof of greed and stupidity oalone. Mona doesnt need your proof of her patriotism, she has the love of the whole arab world.
Assalamu alaykom everyone...Mona el shazly is an incredible honest woman,she is almost perfect 2 me,she is very modest,polite,decent,well-educated,intellectual,smart,cheerful and pretty and what i like most about her is that she feels ppl's pain and is trying 2 help them as much as she can...if she is co-operating with the government she wouldnt have taken the role of the eye-opener to us concerning several critical issues that concerns us!!
Allah slayer,although it's non of my business but i believe that freedom of expressing one self shouldnt give u the right to attack ppl's beliefs...kindly change ur screen name...moreover,u shouldnt call her bad names as u shouldnt accuse anyone by any mean without giving a credible prooof!!!!!!
you said it all,Mona is really great.It is sad to mention that the pressure from the government has affected some of her series lately.
Mona,don't be afraid and be strong.
Besides,you are a pretty woman.
the loyal resistance !!! all of them are just shallow air heads, and populists taking advantage of the the huge cultural hole in the Egyptian society. nobody really crosses the red line Egypt ! nobody.
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