Don't wake up
...for them…if they have to
Why are you so pessimistic?
I am not. This is the truth, but they do not want to see it.
Let me ask you…do you think they have a chance to wake up.
No…not in the coming 20 years…maybe after that.
I see…why do you think so?
Well…because if they really want to do something…they have to start with the kids…and start right now…because it is already late…they have to educate them in a way…that let them be an intelligent…enthusiastic and powerful generation…but it will take a long long time to see the effect…the funny thing …till now they did not start anything at all…why…because they do not know the importance of that …they are sleeping
And what about the young generation today?
Huh…they are like blind chicken…crashing into each other…they are weak…very weak…they are very good in dreaming…but they do nothing…and because they are free and believe too much …they involve themselves in political and religious issues…they think they can do something…but they can’t…I am afraid to say...they are waiting for someone to rescue them
Don’t you think you are too…
Let me finish…they do not understand who is fighting with them…Egyptians against Egyptians…they tell me: are you crazy…they hate each other…they kill each other…they torture each other…they beat each other…why…because they are not educated…not enlightened…
But don’t you think there are few enlightened Egyptians out there that…
I know what you are going to say…they have no effect…they are wasting their time in this country...they are not even 1% of the population…what are they going to do…
Ok…and what about hoping to ...
Hope !!
خليهم كده نايمين ..فيه ناس تانية هتيجى "تخلصهم" من كل المشاكل و تشغلهم و تجوزهم و تديهم فلوس و تأكلهم
مقابل انهم يفضلوا نايمين
و مايصحوش..أبدا ..يلا ناموا انتم كمان
Keep snoring!!!
Big smile+TOZ
انا اعتقد أن المثقفين هم أمل الاصلاح السياسى و الاقتصادى و التعليمى فى مصر
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